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Which Foods are High in Gluten

Gluten is a mixture of glutelin and gliadin proteins joined with starch. It is found in the endosperm of certain grains. It is the gluten that provides the elastic qualities to dough, which helps it to rise and retain shape. It also provides the chewy texture commonly associated with products made from grains. When extracted from the grain it can also added to food to boost the protein content, as a flavoring, stabilizing or thickening agent, and is also used in cosmetic products. A small percentage of people suffer from a condition known as celiac disease, which causes an undesirable immune reaction when gluten in digested. Presently, avoiding gluten is the only way to avoid the symptoms of this condition. This is why it is very important to know which foods are high in gluten.

Which Foods Are High In Copper

Most of us know that copper is a chemical element and important metal. However, copper is also an essential trace element vital to the health of living things. Humans require copper for their metabolic processes and organs to function properly. Like other essential elements and minerals, too much or too little copper in the diet can lead to adverse health. Copper cannot be made in the body and it must be obtained through the diet. The Institute of Medicine recommends a minimum of 900 mcg/day for adults over 18, 890 mcg/day for those between 14-18 years of age, 700 mcg/day between the ages of 9-13, 440 mcg/day between 4-8 years, 340 mcg/day between 1-3 years, 220 mcg/day between 7-12 months of age and 200 mcg/day between birth and 6 months. Copper can be obtained though supplements, but it is recommended that copper comes from the diet.

Which Foods Are High In Magnesium

Magnesium is a essential mineral for human health and is considered to be an essential mineral for life in general. A deficiency of this mineral can cause many health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, anxiety, osteoporosis, muscle spasms and strokes. On average adult humans require about 350 mg of magnesium per day, but this can vary depending on factors such as gender, weight and height. Fortunately, magnesium is present in many foods and most people with a balanced diet consume enough magnesium through their daily food intake. The following is a list of magnesium rich foods.

List of Foods High in Iodine

Iodine is an essential trace element for health and it makes up a part of the important thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones play an important role in gene transcription (copying DNA) and regulating the body’s metabolic rate while at rest. The recommended daily intake of iodine, set by the U.S. Institute of Medicine is 110-130 mcg (micrograms) for infants under 1, 90 mcg for children up to 8, 130 mcg for children up to 13, 150 mcg for adults, 220 mcg for pregnant women and 290 mcg for mothers who are breastfeeding. Supplements containing iodine are available, but iodine can also be obtained through the diet.

Which Foods Are High In Lactose

Lactose is a sugar that is commonly found in many types of milk. It is formed by galactose and glucose and was first discovered in 1619 by Fabriccio Bartoletti. However, it wasn’t shown to be a sugar until 1780 when Carl Wilhelm Scheele showed this to be the case. In the human body lactose is digested by an enzyme called lactase which is produced in the intestine. However, some people have an insufficient amount of this enzyme and they may suffer from symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. This condition is known as lactose intolerance and people suffering from this are recommended to avoid foods containing lactose.

Which Foods are High in Selenium

Selenium is a chemical element that is an essential micronutrient for humans. It is obtained from the food we eat and is a trace nutrient that assists in a variety of body functions. Selenium is necessary for the removal of hydrogen peroxide from the body and it is also important in thyroid function. Selenium is toxic in high doses and a small amount ingested in food in normally enough to sustain the body. So which foods are high in selenium? Read on to find out.

Which Foods Are High In Glutamine

Glutamine is an amino acid that can be synthesised in the body. It is for this reason it is not considered to be an essential amino acid, although it may be considered as such in certain situations such during intensive athletic training or during recovery from injury. Glutamine has a variety of functions including; protein synthesis, cellular energy, nitrogen and carbon donation, transporter of ammonia in the blood and regulating the acid-base levels in the kidney. It is commonly used by people who want to grow muscle and to aid in recovery after surgery. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body and it can be synthesized by many different tissues. However, in cases where more glutamine is needed it can be obtained from certain foods.

How are Imitation Crab Sticks Made

Imitation crab sticks are a processed food product designed to look and taste like crab. It is an cheap alternative to real crab meat and it is much easier to work with than a real crab. It can be eaten on its own or used in a variety of seafood dishes, such as seafood salad and sushi. Imitation crab meat has a rubbery texture and salty taste. It usually smells similar to real crab meat, and this smell is especially strong if it is cooked. If you have ever wondered how crab sticks are made, keep reading to find out.

Which Foods are High in Iron

Iron is an essential mineral that is found in certain foods. The mineral of iron comes in two forms; haem and non-haem. Haem types of iron are more easily absorbed than non-haem. Iron is used by the red blood cells to deliver oxygen throughout the blood. It is essential to obtain enough iron from your diet. To do this it is important to know the foods that are high in iron.

Is Honey Safe for Babies

When a baby is making the transitioning from milk to solid food there are certain foods that they should not be given until a later age. There are variety of reasons why this is so, but mostly it is about keeping your child safe. Some foods can be dangerous because babies have an immature immune and digestive system. It is always best to introduce each new food slowly and watch for any allergic reaction. Have you heard other people tell you that honey is potentially dangerous to babies? Let’s take a look and see if this is true!