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Justin Theroux Movie List

Justin Theroux is a celebrity actor who began his acting career on the stage in New York City. His film debut came in 1996 with the movie “I Shot Andy Warhol”. Since his debut he has appeared in many more films and television series as well as continued work on the stage. His career probably hasn’t reached the heights expected of him, but his engagement to popular actress Jennifer Aniston will surely bring him some more attention. The following is a list of movies that Justin Theroux has acted in during his career so far.

Movie Title/Year/Character

Wanderlust 2012 Seth
Your Highness 2011 Leezar
Documental 2011 Jan Jurgen
Megamind 2001 Megamind’s Father
John Adams (mini-series) 2008 John Hancock
The Ten 2007 Jesus H. Christ
Broken English 2007 Nick Gable
Inland Empire 2006 Devon Berk / Billy Side
Miami Vice 2006 Detective Larry Zito
Return to Rajapur 2006 Jeremy Reardon
The Legend of Lucy Keyes 2006 Guy Cooley
The Baxter 2005 Bradley Lake
Confessions of a Dog 2005
Strangers with Candy 2005 Carlo Honklin
Nowhere to Go But Up 2003 Jack
Duplex 2003 Coop
Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle 2003 Seamus O’Grady
Zoolander 2001 Evil DJ
Mulholland Dr. 2001 Adam Kesher
The Sleepy Time Gal 2001 Rebecca’s Boyfriend
The Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy 2000 Marshall
American Psycho 2000 Timothy Bryce
Sirens 1999 Officer David Bontempo
Mulholland Dr. 1999 Adam Kesher
Dead Broke 1998 James
Frogs for Snakes 1998 Flav Santana
Bronx County 1998
Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion 1997 Cowboy
Below Utopia 1997 Daniel Beckett
Dream House 1997 Mark Brooks
I Shot Andy Warhol 1996 Mark

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Jennifer Aniston Movies – They became engaged on August 10, 2012, which is Theroux’s birthday.

Ben Stiller Movies – Stiller directed the film “Tropic Thunder”, which was co-written by Theroux.

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