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What do Trout Eat

The name trout is used to describe a number of different species of freshwater fish that belong to the same family as the salmon. The general difference is that trout spend most of their life in freshwater and salmon in saltwater, but this is not true for all species. Many species of trout are a popular food fish and a sought after angling target. It is for these reasons that they are commonly farmed and many species have been introduced into countries, such as Australia and New Zealand, where they are not native fish. Let’s take a look at the common diet of a trout.

What do trout eat?
Trout are well known for their habit of feeding on aquatic invertebrates such as flies, dragonflies, stoneflies, caddisflies and mayflies. It is this feeding behavior that fly fishing anglers attempt to stimulate through the use of artificial flies. Trout will also eat other insects, worms, mollusks and shrimp. However, the largest portion of their diet is made up of other fish and any trout larger than 30 cm (12 in.) will feed almost exclusively on other fish when available. Trout are able to eat other fish that are up to a third of their length. When they live in large lakes trout will also eat various species of zooplankton.

What do farmed trout eat?
Trout farming is a multimillion dollar industry. The farmed fish are bred on site and raised in tanks until they reach the correct size for market. Farmed trout are most commonly fed pellet fish food that is designed to meet all of their nutritional needs and help them grow quickly. This pellet food is usually high in protein and fat.

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