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What is the Capital of Brazil

Brazil is the largest country in South America and the 5th largest country in the world. It shares a border with all the other countries in South America, apart from Ecuador and Chile. Brazil was once a colony of Portugal, but achieved independence in 1822. Today, the country is defined as a Federal Republic consisting of 26 states and a Federal District. The Federal District is home to the capital city of Brazil.

What is the capital city of Brazil?
The capital city of Brazil is the city of Brasília (usually written Brasilia in English). It has a population of more than 2.5 million people and is the 4th largest city in the country. The city is home to all 3 branches of the Brazilian government and over 120 foreign embassies. The city is located within the Federal District, which is located in a region of the country called Planalto Central (English: Central Plateau). Brasília is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is the only city built in the 20th century to be honored with this distinction.

When was the city of Brasília founded?
Brasília was founded in 1960 after the President Juscelino Kubitschek ordered the construction of the city in 1957. The reason for creating a new capital was due to the constitution of the country, that dated back to 1891, which stated the capital should be moved to a location close to the middle of Brazil. The capital of Brazil prior to 1960 was Rio de Janeiro, which is the second largest city in the country.

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