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What Should I Get my Mom for Christmas

Need some help finding the perfect gift for your mom this Christmas? This list will give you many different ideas for people with lots or little to spend!

What should I get my mom for Christmas?

  • Treat your mom to something nice and give her a day at the spa or a voucher for a massage.
  • Gift cards and vouchers are simple gifts but many people love them. If your mom likes shopping or going to the movies then think about getting a voucher!
  • Homemade gifts are also great. If you are good at making things then make something you know your mom will enjoy. Just think- is there something that mom really wants that I can make?
  • Gifts baskets make great gifts. You can fill it with all of mom’s favorites. Coffee, chocolates, teddy bears, tea, mugs and even coupons can be put in a gift basket.
  • Does mom have a movie she loves but doesn’t yet have it on DVD/Blu-Ray? Then go out and get it for Christmas.
  • Time for mom to upgrade to the latest technology? Christmas is a great time to give her the upgrade (think Blu-Ray players, the latest iPad, iPhone or laptop computer).
  • Mom’s love family pictures. If you have your own family then why not get a portrait and put it in a nice frame for your mom to enjoy.
  • While they can be slightly ‘risky’ gifts, your mom might love some perfume or jewelery. Just be sure to get something you know you’re mom will like. Don’t get something cheap! You can try dropping hints about the type of perfume/jewelery she likes!
  • If your mom is like mine then she might need an upgraded wardrobe! Clothes make great gifts for Christmas- just get the size right!
  • If you want a ‘free’ gift idea then listen up! Make a book of vouchers offering to do things for your mom. This can range from giving her a massage to doing the housework. This should make your mom feel very special.
  • Mom trying to get fit? Why not buy some gym equipment or get a Wii and buy Wii Fit Plus!
  • Flowers- a classic gift that mom’s still love!
  • If you’ve got plenty of money to treat mom why not give her a weekend away at a five star resort!
  • Concert tickets are a great present if mom’s favorite band is coming to town.

Have any other ideas? Did one of these ideas work for you? Please leave a comment and let everyone know!

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