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When Does Menopause Begin

Menopause is when fertility for reproductive purposes ceases in a permanent manner. The word is derived from Greek and means “the end of monthly cycles.” This process is perfectly normal and happens to all women from all social and economic backgrounds. During the transition there are lower levels of natural sexual hormones produced in the body and this affects the cycle of ovulation that started at puberty resulting in menopause. This article will answer the question – when does menopause begin and list some of the symptoms that are common for this condition.

When does menopause begin?

Menopause can happen at any time between the ages of 40 and 60 and it is different for every woman. In the Western world the average age for menopause is 51 years, but in poorer countries this number can be much lower. Today the following scale is used by most doctors and medical practitioners.

Early Menopause: 40 to 45 years
Late Menopause: 55 to 60 years

In some cases a woman’s reproductive system can shut down before the age of 40, but this is not considered to be normal and is usually the result of another underlying condition.

What symptoms can I expect in Menopause?

During the transition stage there are various symptoms that you can expect. These include; hot flushes, night sweats, migraine, increases heartbeat, thinning of the sexual organs, increased urination, back pain, joint pain, breast tenderness, itchy skin, thinning skin, depression, anxiety, fatigue, memory loss, trouble sleeping, decreased sexual drive, virginal dryness and/or mood swings.

It is important to see your doctor if you are experiencing these symptoms to discuss treatment options.

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