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When was the first Earth Day

Earth Day (April 22) is a day set aside to promote awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment. But when was the first Earth Day celebrated? This post will answer that question and then look at a few interesting facts about Earth Day.

When was the first Earth Day?

Gaylord Nelson, a US Senator from Wisconsin, called for a day to be set aside to teach people about the state of the environment. He set the date of the first Earth Day as April 22, 1970. It was so popular across the United States of America that it eventually expanded worldwide in 1990.

Interesting Facts About Earth Day

  • Earth Day is not to be confused with World Environment Day (June 5) which remains the main United Nations environmental observance.
  • New York advertising executive Julian Koenig was one of the first people to propose the name ‘Earth Day’. He came up with the name as it rhymed with ‘birthday’. April 22 is Koenig’s actual birthday!
  • Many countries now celebrate ‘Earth Week’ which consists of an entire week of activities that promote environmental issues.
  • Some people claim that Earth Day simply ‘portrays humans in a negative light’.
  • Earth Day was first celebrated in Canada on Thursday, September 11, 1980.

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