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Where do Swans Live

Swans are birds closely related to geese and ducks. Depending on the classifications there are 6 or 7 species of true swans. The largest of these species are some of the largest flying birds in the world. Their wingspans can reach almost 3m (10 ft) and they can weigh over 15kg (22 lbs). Swans are one of the only birds that have teeth, which they use for catching and eating fish. Let’s take a look at where these birds live.

Where do swans live?
Generally speaking swans are only found in temperate environments. 4/5 species of swans live in the northern hemisphere and 2 species are found in the southern hemisphere. Swans cannot be found in Central America, Africa and the tropical regions of Asia and South America.

  • The black swan lives in Australia and New Zealand. It was reintroduced into New Zealand after being hunted into extinction in this country.
  • The back neck swan is found in the southern and central parts of South America.
  • The whooper swan can be found in the subarctic and temperate parts of Asia and Europe.
  • The trumpeter swan is found in North America. They once ranged from as far north as Canada and Alaska to Texas and California, but today have a much shorter range due to overhunting in the past.
  • The whistling swan (sometimes grouped together with the bewick’s swan as one species called the tundra swan) is also found in North America, but can usually be found further north than the trumpeter swan.
  • The bewick’s swan migrates throughout the northern parts of Russia, Asia and western Europe.

Did you know?
Swans in the northern hemisphere are usually pure white and the southern hemisphere species also have black coloring. The black swan is a species of swan that lives in Australia and New Zealand and is almost completely black!

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