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Where Was William Shakespeare Born

William Shakespeare was a famous poet and playwright and he is considered to be the greatest English language writer of all time. Most of his work, which includes about 38 plays, was completed between 1589 and 1613 and his plays are still continually performed today. Some of his most famous works include; Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hamlet and Macbeth. Have you ever wanted to know where William Shakespeare was born? Keep reading to find the answer to this question.

Where was William Shakespeare born?
William Shakespeare was born in an English town called Stratford-upon-Avon to John and Mary Shakespeare. Stratford-upon-Avon is located on the River Avon in the south west of the English county Warwickshire. It is about 160 km (100 mi.) to the northwest of London. At the time of Shakespeare’s birth the town had a population of just 1,500. Shakespeare’s birthplace is believed to be a house located in Henley Street. It is now home to a museum and is a popular tourist attraction in the town. We do not know the exact date when Shakespeare was born, but we do know that he was baptized on April 26 1564.

Did you know?
Shakespeare spent many years working in London, but he maintained a residence at Stratford-upon-Avon. He returned there after retirement and spent his time here before his death in 1616.

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