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Who Built the Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge that spans the opening of San Francisco Bay. It provides a vital link between Marin County and the city of San Francisco. The bridge itself is one of the most well recognized landmarks of San Francisco, not just for its design but also due to its bright international orange color. It is thought to be one of the most photographed bridges in the world. Have you ever wondered who built this magnificent bridge? Keep reading to find out.

Initial proposal and design
There were many proposals to build a bridge where the Golden Gate Bridge now stands, but it wasn’t until 1916 when an article in the San Francisco Bulletin sparked a response from engineer Joseph Strauss that the project took off. Instead of the estimated $100 million, Joseph Strauss proposed a suspension bridge that he believed could be built for just $17 million. The final design for the bridge was created by Joseph Strauss (initial design), Leon Moisseiff (main design) and Irving Morrow (architectural features).

Who built the Golden Gate Bridge?
Construction didn’t begin until 1933 due to legal battles with the ferry company and a struggle to come up with the finances after a crash on Wall Street in 1929. Construction was overseen by Joseph Strauss and senior engineer Charles Alton Ellis. The construction of the Golden Gate Bridge was completed by the McClintic-Marshall Construction Co.. It took just over 4 years to complete the bridge and ended up costing over $35 million. It opened on May 27. 1937, and was the longest suspension bridge in the world at the time. Today, over 118,000 vehicle use the bridge every day!

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