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Who Designed and Built the CN Tower

The CN Tower is a communications and observation tower located in Downtown Toronto, Canada. It was once the tallest building in the world as well as being the tallest free standing structure in the world, but was overtaken in this category by the Canton Tower in 2010. It is one of the most well known landmarks in Toronto and has been made into a symbol of Canada as a country as well. The tower remains a popular tourist attraction and more than 2 million people visit the structure each year. The tower was also given the honor of being listed as one of the seven wonders of the modern world by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Let’s find out who designed and build this impressive structure.

Who designed the CN Tower?
The CN Tower in Toronto.The idea for the tower began in 1968 when the Canadian National Railway (from which the tower gained its name) wanted to build a communications platform for the Toronto area. However, the project did not become official until 1972. WZMH Architects, then known as Webb Zerafa Menkes Housden Partnership, and John Andrews Architects were contracted to work on the design of the building. The main architects that worked on the project were John Andrews, Webb Zerafa and Menkes Housden.

The original idea was a tripod shaped design, but the architects eventually decided on the modern design. The SkyPod, originally called the Space Deck, was not part of the plans until much later. Interestingly, there were never any plans to build the world’s tallest structure until very late in the design process.

Who built the CN Tower?
The structural engineer for the project was NCK Engineering and the contractors for the building instructions were Foundation Building Construction; and Canron. Construction began on February 6, 1973 and the tower was completed 26 months later on April 2, 1975.

Did you know?
The CN originally stood for Canadian National Railway, but the Canada Lands Company is now the owner of the tower. The CN abbreviation has been changed to mean Canadian National Tower or Canada’s National Tower.

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