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Who Discovered Carbon

Carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the universe by mass. It is also the second most abundant element in the human body after oxygen. But who discovered carbon? This post will answer that question and also tell you a few interesting facts about carbon.

Who Discovered Carbon?

Unfortunately, no one knows who discovered carbon. It is one of the few elements that was known since ancient times. The earliest use of carbon was sometime around 3750 BC. The Egyptians and Sumerians are jointly credited with the discovery as they were the first to use charcoal (a form of carbon) to obtain copper, tin and zinc from their ores. They then combined these elements to make bronze.

Interesting Facts About Carbon

  • Diamond and graphite are two forms of carbon. Each have very different properties. For example, diamond is very hard while graphite is very soft.
  • Life on earth could not exist without carbon. It is part of DNA and also makes up important sugars and fats that we need to live.
  • The name ‘carbon’ comes from the Latin word ‘carbo’.
  • All forms of carbon are very stable and require high temperatures to react.

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(9) Comments

  1. Who Discovered Carbon- Either the Egyptians or Sumerians (they are given joint credit for the discovery as they began using carbon at the same time)
    When Was Carbon Discovered- around 3750 BC

  2. The element carbon was discovered by the Egyptians or Sumerians. They discovered one elemental form of carbon- charcoal. Other elemental forms are graphite and diamond. Chemical analysis of these forms of carbon was not done until the 18th century. Antoine Lavoisier was the first to list carbon as an element in 1789.

  3. This information is very helpful. I needed it for a chemistry project and it helped me get it finished faster. Thanks for everyones contributions to the site.

  4. I am excited! This stuff was super helpful to my project!!!! Thank you so much for putting this up here!!! Hope I get an A!!!

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