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Who Founded Dell

Dell is a computer company that develops and sells computers, and related components, in many countries of the world. Originally, the company offered an innovative build-to-order system where the customer could configure the computer to meet their specific requirements. Although this is still an important part of the business, today the company also offer their products in specific retail stores. Dell is one of the largest technology companies in the world and reported a revenue of approximately $4.4 billion in 2012. The Dell headquarters are located in Round Rock, Texas, and the company employs about 103,000 people worldwide. Let’s find out who founded this successful company.

Who founded Dell?
The history of Dell can be traced back to January 1984 when Michael Dell created the company PCs Limited while still a college student at the University of Texas. He was so successful selling computers and components out of his condominium that just a few months later he incorporated the company as the “Dell Computer Corporation” and relocated to a business premises in North Austin. Initially the company consisted of a few people to take orders and a few to put the computers together. By 1992 the company was ranked in the top 500 corporations by Fortune magazine. The company began selling computers via the internet in 1996 and it wasn’t long before they were reporting $1 million in sales each day!

Michael Dell remained the CEO of the company until 2004 when he stepped down. However, the company had two poor years in 2005 and 2006 and Michael Dell once again took over the company as CEO in 2007.

Did you know?
Michael Dell has won a number of coveted awards during his career including: Entrepreneur of the Year, Top CEO in American Business and CEO of the Year. In 2012 his net worth was calculated at $15.9 billion by Forbes, which would make him one of the most wealthy people in the country!

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