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Who Founded Dunkin’ Donuts

Dunkin’ Donuts is an international company best known for their doughnuts and coffee. There are over 6,700 Dunkin’ Donuts stores in the United States and approximately another 3,100 stores in 31 other countries. Dunkin Donuts are a franchise chain and most of the stores are operated by a franchisee. The company headquarters are in Canton, Massachusetts. If you have ever wondered who founded this iconic company, keep reading to find out.

Who founded Dunkin’ Donuts ?
In 1950 Dunkin’ Donuts were founded by William Rosenberg in Quincy, Massachusetts. 4 years earlier he had founded a company called “Industrial Luncheon Services” to deliver meals, snacks and coffee to factory workers. He had so much success doing this that he opened his first coffee and doughnut shop, called the “Open Kettle.” This was the beginning of a company that now has almost 10,000 stores!

Did you know?
The current slogan for the company is “America Runs On Dunkin,” but “You ‘Kin Do It!” is also used. The original slogan was “Sounds Good, Tastes Even Better.” The company sponsors a number of sporting teams including the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots.

William Rosenberg also founded the International Franchise Association in 1960 to promote and support franchise systems around the world.

Dunkin’ Donuts have been criticized for the levels of trans fats in some of the products. In response the company has announced plans to reduce the levels from their food. They have been trailing a new cooking oil since 2007.

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