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Who Invented Post Its

Post-it notes (or Post-its) are re-adherable pieces of stationary that are designed to attach to documents, computer monitors and tables without the need for blu tack or tape. Post-its leave no marks or residues when they are removed from different surfaces and they can be moved from one surface to another without losing much of their ‘stickiness’. But who invented Post-it notes? This article will answer just that question and also look at four interesting facts about Post-its.

Who Invented Post Its
Back in 1968, a scientist named Dr Spencer Silver developed the ‘low tack’ adhesive that is today found on each Post-it note. For five years he promoted it to 3M, the company he worked for, but they did not like the idea. In 1974, Arthur Fry was becoming frustrated when bookmarks kept falling out of his hymn book in the church choir. He decided to take advantage of his friend Dr Silver’s invention and put the adhesive on the back of what we now know as a Post-it note. 3M took up Fry’s idea and put Post-its on the market in 1977. When they failed to sell, 3M issued free samples to residents across America. An amazing 90% of people who used Post-its said that they would buy the product and the popularity of Post-its skyrocketed. Now, Post-its are a popular product worldwide and are still manufactured by 3M. So now you know who invented Post-its. Now let’s look at four facts about Post-its.

Four Post-It Facts
Fact 1: Post-it notes are a share shape with each side 3in (7.5cm) in length.

Fact 2: The name ‘Post-it’ and the canary yellow color of Post-it notes are trademarked of 3M.

Fact 3: Most of the world’s Post-it notes are produced in Cynthiana, Kentucky.

Fact 4: One Post-it note, made by artist R B Kitaj, sold for 640 pounds.

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