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Who Is The Tallest Person In The World

Many people have been recognized as the tallest person in the world over the years. Generally males and females are put into different categories and thus there tends to be two people that are considered to be the tallest person in the world at one time.

The tallest ever male and person to live, up until the present time, was Robert Wadlow of the U.S.A. He was 272cm or 8ft 11.1inches at his tallest. The current tallest living person is Sultan Kosen of Turkey. He is 249cm or 8ft 2 inches tall. The tallest living woman at present is Yao Defen of The People’s Republic of China. She is 234cm of 7ft 8 inches in height. The tallest woman ever was Zeng Jinlian from China at 248cm or 8ft 2 inches. She was unable to stand at her full height due to spinal curvature.

Other Interesting Height Facts

Tallest ever person to be found (unverified) – The Giant of Castelnau at 350cm or 11ft 6 inches (estimated from bone fragments)
Tallest basketball player – Sultan Kosen
Tallest professional wrestler – Jorge Gonzales 229 cm (7 ft 6 in)
Tallest women basketball player ever – Maria Feliciana dos Santos 225 cm (7 ft 5 in)
Tallest international cricketer in the world – Mohammad Irfan 216 cm (7 ft 1 in)
Tallest American football player in NFL history – Richard Sligh 213 cm (7 ft 0 in)
Tallest baseball player in Major League Baseball – Jon Rauch 211 cm (6 ft 11 in)
Tallest actor – Igor Vovkovinskiy 234.5 cm (7 ft 8 inches)
Tallest female actress to play a leading role – Tamara Dobson 188 cm (6 ft 2 in)
Shortest living male – Khagendra Thapa Magar 67 cm (2 ft 2 in)
Shortest male ever – Gul Mohammed 57 cm (23 in)
Shortest living female – Jag 58 cm (23 in)
Shortest female ever – Pauline Musters 58 cm (23 in)

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One Comment

  1. The giant of Castelnau was identified as the remains of a human being of enormous size. The bones were identified as parts of the tibia, femur, and humerus double the girth and length of normal, and more than double the volume.

    They were studied at the University of Montpellier, France.

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