Who Painted the Sistine Chapel
The Sistine Chapel is the most famous chapel in the Vatican City and one of the most popular tourist spots in the world. One of the reasons that it is so famous is the magnificent mural style paintings. The most famous painting is the Sistine Chapel ceiling, which is covered in paintings depicting stories and important people from the bible. The most famous section of the ceiling is called the “Creation of Adam” and depicts the moment when Adam was given life by God. This painting has been reproduced (in full or part) many times, and can be found hanging in many houses today. If you wondered who completed these brilliant paintings, read on to find out.
Who painted the Sistine Chapel?
The painting of the Sistine Chapel was not completed by one sole artist. Although, the ceiling was painted by one sole artist who happens to be of the most famous artists of all time.
The Sistine Chapel Ceiling
The ceiling was painted by Michelangelo. He was commissioned by Pope Julius II to do the work. He started work in 1508 and finished it in 1512. The pope wanted the 12 apostles to make up the painting, but Michelangelo negotiated to paint a more grand design. He had to design his own scaffold system to reach the roof of the chapel and paint in many uncomfortable positions. However, he actually painted the ceiling standing up, not lying on his back like many people believe.
The Walls
The murals on the walls were painted by some of the most well known Renaissance painters including; Botticelli, Perugino, Ghirlandaio, Signorelli, Pinturicchio, and Cosimo Rosselli. The most famous section called “The Last Judgement” was painted by Michelangelo and is considered to be his crowning achievement in the field of painting.
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