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Who Was the First Governor of Massachusetts

Massachusetts (full title: Commonwealth of Massachusetts) is a state located in the northeastern United States. It was one of the original thirteen colonies and officially became a state on February 6, 1788. However, the state had a governor before this date. Massachusetts was a key state in the Declaration of Independence and Revolutionary War. On June 15, 1780, Massachusetts ratified their state constitution which became official on October 25, 1780. It was on this date that the first governor of Massachusetts took office.

Who was the first governor of Massachusetts?
The first Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts was, Patriot of the American Revolution, John Hancock. He served his first term from October 25, 1780, until January 29, 1785. He was very popular for his role in the American Revolution and was elected governor with an impressive 90% of the vote. His resignation in 1785 came as a surprise to most people. Officially, he cited ill health as the reason for his departure, but many of his critics claim he left to avoid a difficult political situation.

The territory now known as the state of Massachusetts was once home to British colonies, including the Plymouth Colony and the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which all had governors. From 1691 the region was known as Province of Massachusetts Bay and this province also had a governor. However, these governors are not officially recognized as the first governors of the state.

Did you know?
Hancock was also elected the third governor of the state, from May 1787 until his death in October 1793, and was in office during the time that Massachusetts became a state.

John Hancock was also a signatory of the Declaration of Independence. His impressive signature on the document has led to the use of the term “John Hancock”, which is used as another word for signature.

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