Who Wrote the Sherlock Holmes Books
Sherlock Holmes is a popular fictional character who is a skillful detective capable of solving difficult cases. The character has been featured in many books, television shows, movies, radio and stage productions. In fact, the Guinness World Records lists the Sherlock Holmes character as the most portrayed movie character of all time. There are over 210 movies that feature the character. If you have ever wanted to know who created this popular character, keep reading to find out.
Who created Sherlock Holmes?
Sherlock Holmes was created by famous Scottish doctor and author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The character first appeared in a short story written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle called A Study in Scarlet. This short story was published in Beeton’s Christmas Annual in 1887. He followed up this story with another short story, called The Sign of the Four, that was published in 1890. A collection of stories was published in the The Strand magazine between 1891 and 1892 which became very popular. Many more stories followed before Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s death in 1930.
Did you know?
The most well known Sherlock Holmes phrase, “Elementary, my dear Watson,” is never actually written in any of the stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It is thought that this phrase became well known from The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes radio series.
The copyright for many of the original Sherlock Holmes books has expired, which means that they can be read for free. A new authorized Sherlock Holmes novel is due for release in November 2011. The title of the book is The House of Silk.
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