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Where Does Nylon Come From

Nylon is a polymer that is made from petroleum products and is used to create a synthetic fabric. It is similar in texture to silk and was produced as an alternative to silk in the 1930’s. It became very popular when made into women’s stockings and was used extensively during the Second World War to make items such as parachutes and ropes. The first product to ever use nylon was a nylon bristled toothbrush. Nylon is valued as a fabric for its versatility, ease of dying, light weight, tensile strength and resistance to damage.

Hugh Jackman Movie List

Hugh Jackman is an Australian actor who is most famous for his roles as Wolverine in the comic book inspired X-Men series of movies. He is also a talented singer and dancer and showed off some of these talents when he hosted the 81st Academy Awards in 2009. In 2005 he formed a production company together with his assistant and wife. He is also heavily involved with charity work and is a World Vision Ambassador. The following is a list of movies that Hugh Jackman has acted in during his career so far.

Interesting Fact about Monkeys

Monkeys are the cute, loveable creatures that everyone adores. They are an animal that are part of the primate family. They typically have a long tail and prehensile feet. They come in all different sizes and shapes and live in rainforests in South America and Asia and also on the dry plains of Africa. Here are some other interesting facts about monkeys.

Uses of Sulfur

Sulfur, sometimes spelled sulphur, is a bright yellow crystalline solid that is essential for life. Here are some of the common uses of sulfur in the world today!

Where Does Silver Come From

Silver is a soft, white metallic element that is used to create jewelry, coins and tableware. It has the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal. Its chemical symbol is Ag. Silver occurs naturally as an alloy with gold and other metals. It is considered a precious metal and has been used for many years to create valuable objects. It is also used to help conduct electricity in electrical items, in mirrors to create a reflective surface and as a disinfectant and antimicrobial in the medical field.

Interesting Facts about Ants

Ants are small insects well known for forming colonies. Different cultures around the world use ants for food and medicine. Here are some interesting facts about ants that you probably don’t know!

Uses of Phosphorus

Phosphorus is an important chemical element with only one stable isotope. Here are some of the common uses of phosphorus in the world today!

Vince Vaughn Movie List

Vince Vaughn is a celebrity actor best known for his roles in comedies. He decided to move to Hollywood after a successful appearance in a commercial in 1988, but he struggled to land any major roles. He made his big break into Hollywood when Steven Spielberg spotted him in the movie “Swingers” and decided to cast him in the sequel to “Jurassic Park.” This helped Vince on the way to being an outright star and landed him many more movie roles. The following is a list of movies that Vince Vaughn has acted in during his career.

Where Do Seahorses Live

The seahorse is a very interesting creature and has captured the attention of most people at least once in their lifetime. While it bears little resemblance to a fish the seahorse is in fact a member of the fish species. Its scientific name is Hippocampus. Seahorses have a head that closely resembles that of a horse thus the name. They also have a pouch for carrying young, like marsupials. It is the male seahorse that becomes pregnant and births the young. There are at least 80 different species of seahorse and they range in both size and color. Seahorses do not have scales as other fish do but instead have bony plates arranged in rings around their bodies. When swimming seahorses swim in an upright position and used their weak dorsal fin to propel them through the water. The seahorse also has pectoral fins behind their eyes that they use to steer. Their tail is prehensile meaning that it can be used to hold and gasp items and they can often be found resting with their tail grasping a piece of coral or seaweed.