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How Does A Fridge Work

The fridge is a part of everyday life. It was invented with the sole purpose of keeping food items cool, making them last longer. Most refrigerators are rectangular in shape and white or stainless steel, but they can come in almost any color. There are a range of different styles with most refrigerators having an in-built freezer section. Refrigerators are an amazing piece of machinery. Have you ever wondered how your fridge works? Read on to find out.

How does digital TV work

Digital TV is taking the world by storm as more and more people everyday purchase set top digital boxes or in built digital televisions. Digital TV’s have a far superior picture quality over normal (or analogue) televisions, which is why it is a popular choice for millions of people. This post will quickly explain how analogue TV works to answer the question: how does digital TV work?

How does a toilet work

Everyday we go to the toilet, push the button at the top of the toilet and all the waste is flushed away. But exactly how does a toilet work? This post will cover the basics of how a flush toilet works to answer the question: how does a toilet work?