You are reading our best questions and answers in the Health category
Emphysema is a long term degenerative disease of the lungs that causes shortness of breath. It is part of a group of diseases classified as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD. It is one of the most common lung diseases along with chronic bronchitis. Emphysema is commonly diagnosed by pulmonary function tests such as spirometry or body plethysmography. X-ray can also be used to identify emphysema. Emphysema can be managed, but due to its degenerative nature is irreversible and cannot be cured.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection that infects more than 10 million people worldwide each year. It is commonly transmitted via sexual contact, but can also be transferred via blood products or from mother to baby. Syphillis has four main stages and the symptoms differ between these stages. In the first stage it causes lesions at the point of contact and if it is allowed to progress it can cause a number of more serious conditions, including nervous system damage. Let’s find out what causes this potentially serious condition and how it can be prevented.
Ringworm (medical name: dermatophytosis) is a medical condition best known for causing a raised red rash in the shape of a ring. The condition does not usually cause any complications, but is considered by most to be unsightly. It is commonly found in humans as well as domesticated animals and pets. It is highly contagious and can be spread by direct contact, sharing towels, sheets or clothing, walking barefoot in high traffic areas and from contact with infected pets. It is estimated that 20% of all people are infected at any one time. Ringworm is usually worse in summer and subsides during the winter months. Let’s find out what causes this condition and how it can be treated.
Many new parents want to know when their baby should start drinking water. This is especially the case if the live in a warm or tropical environment where excessive sweating is common. Some health care professional recommend that babies drink water as well as formula or breast milk, especially in warm climates. Other health care professionals maintain that a baby does not need extra water and is getting enough hydration from breast milk or formula alone. So which information is correct and when should babies start drinking water?
Tourette’s syndrome, commonly referred to simply as Tourette’s, is a genetic neuropsychiatric disorder that is characterised by vocal and physical tics (involuntary movement or sounds). The severity of the tics differ from person to person with some being so minor they are not noticed and others being severe enough to cause embarrassment. Tourette’s syndrome usually develops in childhood and becomes milder as the person becomes older. Tourette’s’ syndrome does not affect the life expectancy or intelligence of the person with the disorder.
Giardiasis, also known as Beaver Fever, is a parasitic infection of the digestive tract which affects many animals and humans. Infection often comes with no symptoms, but in about a third of those infected it causes a number of uncomfortable symptoms such as; diarrhea, stomach cramps, lack of appetite, bloating, burping (often with a taste of sulfur), flatulence, blood in urine and occasionally vomiting. These symptoms usually begin a week or two after the initial infection and may continue to reoccur in a cycle if left untreated. Untreated giardiasis is also known to cause temporary lactose intolerance, which can become permanent. It is estimated to infect more than 200,000 people worldwide. Let’s find out what causes giardiasis and how it can be treated.
Diaper rash, also called nappy rash in British English, is the name given to skin rashes that occur in the diaper region. It often appears as small red, raised dots that can become inflamed and show a white head. Diaper rash is usually uncomfortable for the baby and may make them fussy. Keeping the area dry and clean through regular diaper changes can decrease the occurrences of diaper rash. What is the cause of this skin rash? Read on to find out.
Gallstones are hard, stone like deposits that build up in the gallbladder. They range in size from tiny sand-like pebbles to large golf ball sized deposits. It is possible to have gallstones without experiencing any symptoms. However, symptoms usually develop when the gallstone/s block the cystic duck or the bile duct within the gallbladder. Symptoms include pain in the right upper or middle upper abdomen, fever, jaundice, clay-colored stools, nausea and vomiting. Gallstones are usually treated via surgery to remove the stones or the gallbladder itself. Medication may also be taken to dissolve the gallstones. What is the cause of these deposits? Read this article to learn more.
Down syndrome, also called Trisomy 21, is a medical condition which causes delays in the development and growth of a child. Named after the first doctor to document it, Dr John Langdon Down, it is the most common abnormality in humans with 1 in every 800 babies born in the US having Down syndrome. The extent to which Down syndrome affects the child varies from person to person. Some people with Down syndrome require a lot of medical attention whilst others live a mostly healthy life. Whilst Down syndrome itself cannot be cured many of the medical problems associated with the syndrome can be treated.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a subspecies of the bacteria Treponema pallidum. This bacteria is passed on via sexual contact (usually oral, anal and virginal sex) or via mother to fetus during pregnancy or birth. Syphilis has four different stages known as; primary, secondary, latent and tertiary, and these stages have different symptoms. The initial symptom is usually a painless skin ulcer that occurs at the point of contact with the bacteria. As the disease progresses a rash may occur on the trunk and extremities of the body, which sometimes forms lesions. Other symptoms at this stage may include fever, sore throat, weight loss, headache, hair loss and fatigue. Without treatment the disease can also cause later problems such as infection of the central nervous system, which can cause a number of serious problems. These later problems usually occur 4-46 years after initial infection. Let’s take a look at the most common ways of preventing and treating this potentially serious condition.