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How did Julius Caesar Die

Julius Caesar was a Roman statesman and general who was born on 13 July 100 BC. Julius Caesar played an important role in transforming the Republic of Rome into the Roman Empire. His conquest of Gaul and his attempted invasion of Britain earned him respect and unmatched military power. Julius Caesar led a revolt against the current ruler of Rome, Pompey, in 49BC. This began a civil war and Caesar emerged victorious. After gaining control of the Roman government he made many reforms and was eventually known as “dictator in perpetuity.” His life ended on 15 March 44 BC after many years of being involved in Roman government. His life story is documented in Shakespeare’s play “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.”

How Did Jupiter Get its Name

Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System. But how did Jupiter get its name? This post will answer that question and then let you know a few interesting facts about Jupiter.