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What do Iguanas Eat

Iguanas are lizards best known for their distinct appearance which features a series of spines that run down their back. The iguana name is sometimes used for a number of related species in the same family, but there are actually only 2 species of true iguanas. The Green Iguana, also called common iguana, are found throughout the northern and eastern portions of South America. as well as throughout Central America and into Mexico. The Lesser Antillean Iguana is only found in the Lesser Antilles, which is a group of volcanic islands in the Caribbean Sea. Let’s find out what these lizards eat and what makes them different from other species commonly called iguanas.

What do Aardvarks Eat

Aardvarks are medium sized mammals best known for their distinctive long nose. These animals are native to Africa and they can be found throughout most of the central and southern parts of the continent. Aardvarks do not have any close relatives, but they are distantly related to elephants. They share many traits with the South American anteater and a somewhat similar in appearance, but the two species are not closely related. Despite this, aardvarks are often incorrectly called anteaters. This might give you some clue to the common diet of this unique animal.

What do Caterpillars Eat

Caterpillars are the larvae (juvenile form) of butterflies and moths. They hatch from eggs which the adult butterfly or moth usually lays on a suitable plant (some species are restricted to one type of plant). The plant choice is important because that is what the caterpillar will eat. Caterpillars hatch from the egg and immediately go searching for food. They are known for having a large appetite and spending virtually all of their time eating! After this stage they become a pupa and build a cocoon around themselves. During this time the caterpillar undergoes metamorphosis and emerges as a sexually mature adult form. Let’s take a look at the common diet of the caterpillar.

What do Pelicans Eat

Pelicans are large aquatic birds best known for their long beak which features a large throat pouch for catching prey. There are 8 species of pelican on the planet and at least one species can be found on every continent apart from Antarctica. They are generally found in warm regions, although some species do travel to cooler regions during breeding. Most species of pelicans are quite large and are among the heaviest of all flying birds. Let’s find out what these interesting birds eat.

What do Leeches Eat

Leeches are a type of segmented worm with a similar appearance to the common earthworm. There are over 700 species of leeches that have been identified and the majority of these are found in freshwater regions. Leeches are best known for attaching themselves to their food, including humans, with their strong jaws. However, not all leeches will bite and only a small number of species feed on people. Let’s find out what these small animals eat.

What do Dragonflies Eat

Dragonflies are insects best known for their long slender bodies and two pairs of translucent wings. There are more than 5600 species of dragonflies known today and it is thought that many more remain undiscovered. As with all insects, dragonflies have six legs but they are used more for catching their food than for walking. Dragonflies are one of the fastest insects in the world with one researcher claiming that a certain species is capable of almost 100 km/h (60 mph). Dragonflies are an important food source for many larger animals such as; birds, spiders, lizards, fish, frogs and larger dragonflies. The diet of the dragonfly also plays a very important part in the food chain.

What do Squirrels Eat

Squirrels are small, tree dwelling members of the rodent species. They are part of the Sciuridae family which also includes chipmunks, marmots, flying squirrels and prairie dogs. Squirrels are native to the Americas, Eurasia and Africa. Squirrels are characterized by their long, bushy tails, slender bodies and large eyes. They range in size from 7–10 cm (2.8–3.9 in) to 53–73 cm (21–29 in) in length. Squirrels live in a range of habitats ranging from tropical rainforests, and other forested areas, to semiarid deserts. Let’s take a look at the common diet of the squirrel.

What do Groundhogs Eat

Groundhogs, also called woodchucks, are a rodent that are commonly found in North America from Alaska to the U.S state of Georgia. Groundhogs are related to other ground squirrels, such as chipmunks and prairie dogs. These rodents are known for creating elaborate burrows where they sleep and hibernate for the winter. They rarely stray far from these burrows and they are usually created close to their food source/s. Let’s take a closer look at the diet of the groundhog.

What do Peacocks Eat

Peacocks are birds best known for the male’s impressive tail featuring brown feathers with blue-green eye patterns. This tail is thought to be important to the mating process and/or for intimidating other male birds. Peacocks are also known as peafowl and, although there are 3 peafowl species, only the Indian peafowl and Green Peafowl are commonly called peacocks. These species are native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, but have also been introduced into many other parts of the world. Let’s find out what this interesting bird eats.

What do Emus Eat

Emus are large flightless birds native to Australia. They are the second largest bird in the world after the ostrich, with which they are sometimes confused. An adult emu can reach 2 m (6.6 ft) in height and they are known for being extremely fast runners capable of reaching speeds of 50 km/h (31 mph). They are well known for being able to go without eating for weeks and for traveling long distances to find food. Let’s find out more about the diet of these large birds.