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The Octopus is a marine mollusk, with 8 tentacles and a large head. They have two eyes and a small beak like mouth at the center point of their arms. Octopuses do not have a skeleton and are able to squeeze into small, tight spaces to hide from predators or to capture prey. They are a highly intelligent species and are able to adapt and change with the environment. There are over 300 species of octopus and they inhabit different aquatic environments from shallow rock pools to the ocean depths.
The name trout is used to describe a number of different species of freshwater fish that belong to the same family as the salmon. The general difference is that trout spend most of their life in freshwater and salmon in saltwater, but this is not true for all species. Many species of trout are a popular food fish and a sought after angling target. It is for these reasons that they are commonly farmed and many species have been introduced into countries, such as Australia and New Zealand, where they are not native fish. Let’s take a look at the common diet of a trout.
Grasshoppers are insects that are distantly related to crickets and katydids, for which they are often confused. They are known for their powerful hind legs that allow them to make a powerful leap and many species of grasshoppers have wings for flying. There are about 8,000 different species of grasshoppers, but it is believed that they are many still yet to be formally identified. A species of grasshopper that can change color and swarms to travel many miles is known as a locust. If you have ever wondered what these insects eat, keep reading to find out.
The mantises are an group of insects made up of about 2,200 species. Although they are often confused for stick insects, grasshoppers and crickets, they are actually more closely related to termites and cockroaches. They are usually known as praying mantises because they adopt a prayer like stance. They are found virtually worldwide in tropical and temperate environments. If you have ever wondered what these insects eat, keep reading to find out.
Flamingos are commonly recognized by their habit of standing on one leg and their amazing pink plumage. They are a tall, wading water bird that can found in Europe, Asia and Africa. There are six species of flamingo, four of which live in the Americas. The flamingo stands anywhere from 36 to 50 inches tall and along with the distinctive pink coloring also have a curved neck and downward curving black tipped bill. The flamingos bill shape allows them to feed efficiently. So, what do these beautiful birds eat? Read this article to find out.
Muskrats are large semi aquatic rodents that have many similar characteristics to rats. However, they are not members of the “true rat” family and are actually more closely related to voles and lemmings. Muskrats are usually 20 to 30 cm (8 to 12 in) long with a tail of about the same length. They usually weigh between 0.7 to 2 kg (1.5 to 4.4 lbs), which makes them about 4 times larger than the common brown rat. They are native to North America, but have been introduced into much of Europe and parts of northern Asia. If you have ever wondered what these large rodents eat, keep reading to find out.
Lemurs are a group of primates only found on the island of Madagascar. There are about 100 species of lemurs, which range from a 30g (1.1 oz) through to 9kg (20 lbs). Many of these species are considered to be endangered due to hunting and habitat loss. Fortunately, the lemur’s food sources of food remain widely available on the island. Let’s take a closer look at the diet of the lemur.
Raccoons are medium-sized mammals with distinctive facial markings that have the appearance of a bandits mask. They are native to Central and North America, but have also been deliberately or accidentally introduced into parts of Europe, the Middle East and Japan. They can reach 70 cm (28 in.) in length and 9kg (20 lbs) in weight. If you want to know the common diet of the raccoon, keep reading to find out.
Scorpions are arthropods (invertebrate with an external skeleton) with 8 legs and are best known for their grasping claws and long tail with a venomous stinger. There are over 1,700 species of scorpions and at least one species can be found on every continent of Earth, apart from Antarctica. The scorpion is often feared by humans because they are venomous, but in reality only about 25 species have venom capable of causing death. Let’s take a look at the common diet of this interesting animal.
Vultures are large scavenging birds that are broadly categorized into Old and New World Vultures. New World Vultures are found in North and South America and Old World Vultures are found in Europe, Asia and Africa. The two groups of vultures are not closely related and both belong to separate families of birds. However, they do have many of the same traits including a similar diet.