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Who Designed the Flag of Texas

The Flag of Texas, also known as the Lone Star Flag, is the official flag of the U.S. state of Texas. On January 25, 1839 it became the national flag of the Republic of Texas. When Texas became a state of the United States in 1846 it continued to be used as the state flag of Texas. The design of the flag features a white star on a blue background which is next to a large single bar of white on top large single bar of red. The colors of the flag are the same as the colors used in the Flag of the United States. Continue reading to find out who designed the state flag of Texas.

Who designed the state flag of Texas?
The Lone Star Flag was introduced to the Republic of Texas Congress in 1838 by Senator William H. Wharton and was commissioned in 1839 by Mirabeau B. Lamar, who was the President of the Republic of Texas. For many years the designer of the flag was a mystery, but in 1997 the credit for the design was given to Dr. Charles B. Stewart. The official artwork for the design was drawn by Peter Krag.

Did you know?
In 1997 the Texas House of Representatives passed House Resolution 1123 to confirm that Dr. Stewart was the designer of the flag and that Montgomery County was the birthplace of the Lone Star Flag.

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