You are reading our best questions and answers in the animals category
Lions are the second largest living cats after tigers. But how much do lions weigh? This post will answer that question and also tell you some interesting facts about lions.
How Much Do Lions Weigh
Male lions weigh between 330 and 550lb (150-250kg). Female lions weigh between 264 and 400lb (120-182kg). The average weight of male lions is 399lb (181kg) and the average weight of female lions is 278lb (126kg). The heaviest
Virtual dogs are a lot of fun to adopt and play with. This post will tell you the best websites that offer virtual dog games. On these sites you can adopt or create your own puppy!
Virtual Dog Games
- Virtual Pups is probably the best virtual dog site on the web. You firstly breed (create) your puppy and then look after him or her. You can train
Reptiles are air-breathing and cold-blooded animals that have skin covered in scales. Here are some interesting and fun facts about reptiles.
Facts About Reptiles
- Most reptiles lay eggs, but a few species give birth to live babies.
- Unlike mammals, reptiles cannot regulate their own temperature. This is why they are classified as cold-blooded. They must rely on the sun to heat them up.
- There are over 8,000 species of reptiles living on the planet.
- Most
Bats are the only mammals that are capable of sustained flight. But where do bats live? This post will answer that question, and also tell you a few interesting things about bats.
Where do bats live?
Bats live in every continent in the world, except Antarctica. They prefer to live in climates that are warm. Most bats live in forests. They like to hang from trees in the forest. Some species of
Camels are fascinating animals that live for 40 to 50 years. But where do camels live? This post will answer that question, and also tell you some other interesting things about camels.
Where do camels live
Camels are native to Asia and live in desert regions. Today, they can be found in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Australia. The biggest population of camels is found in Somalia, where they provide
Zebras are very social animals that are often spotted in the wild in large herds. But where do zebras live? This post aims to answer that question and also tell you some other interesting things about zebras.
Where do zebras live?
While there are a few zebras living in zoos around the world, they are only found in the wild in one continent- Africa. Plains zebras, which live in grassland, live all
The giraffe is the tallest of all land living animal species. But where do giraffes live? This post will answer that question, and also tell you a few facts about giraffes.
Where do giraffes live?
Giraffes live in only one continent- Africa. They are found between the countries of Chad (which is in Central Africa) and South Africa. They live in savannas, grassland or open woodland. They enjoy roaming through both dense
Squirrels are small rodents which mainly eat nuts, seeds, fruit and fungi. But where do squirrels live? This post will answer that question, and also look at some interesting facts about squirrels.
Where do squirrels live?
Squirrels live in most parts of the world. They are found in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. There are no squirrels in Australia. Squirrels live in woodland, as they build nests (called ‘dreys’) in trees. The
Leopards are the smallest of the four ‘big cats’, after tigers, lions and jaguars. But where do leopards live? This post will answer that question, and also tell you a few interesting facts about leopards.
Where do Leopards Live?
Leopards are mainly found in sub-Saharan Africa. There are also small populations in Pakistan, India, Indochina, Malaysia and China. They used to be found across Asia and Africa, but they have since become
Frogs are amphibians that have long hind legs and no tails. But where do frogs live? This post will answer that question, and also look at some interesting facts about frogs.
Where Do Frogs Live?
Frogs live in every continent in the world except Antarctica. Many ocean islands also have no frogs. Frogs can live in a wide variety of different habitats. A few species of frogs live in the desert. Most